I’m here to tell you…

You are not too much.

Your dreams are not too big.

Your heart does not go unnoticed.

You are allowed to want things that seem out of reach to someone else.

You are allowed to reach for those things without guilt…

There is nothing wrong with you,

you’ve just spent too much time with people who are not willing to understand you…

and yes, maybe that means that they don’t know how to love you…

that does not mean that you cannot love them in return -

nor does it mean that you do not deserve the love you crave.

I’m here to let you know…

That we all carry weight and we’ve learned to hide it all too well.

It’s okay to unload, it’s okay to let it out, it’s okay to cry…

it is always okay to cry…

what’s not okay is holding it in until it cripples us without consent.

Being vulnerable gives permission to everyone around us to reveal their own wounds…

it reminds us that we are never completely alone.

Don’t be afraid to share the burden, 

with true compassion, love, and acceptance - 

you will find the people who are willing to make things a little lighter…

and trust me, those are your people.

Family isn’t made of blood, it’s the souls we chose to find on this winding path long before we took our first breath.

I’m here to remind you…

That your place in this world is an integral part of the foundation of the whole,

you are not without purpose…

do not give up, I promise that someone, somewhere really needs you.

We all perceive ourselves to have certain flaws,

but the spaces we seem to lack are filled by the essence of each other.

We are all in this together.

Essentially, we are all a simple fractal of the divine…

a singular piece of the cosmic whole…

and when you think of it so poetically,

you start to realize that we are not meant to be the same.

It is our differences, our unique-ness that makes us more complete.

You are essential.

You are divine.

You and I… we are made of the same stardust.

The same cataclysmic collision of consciousness that formed in the very first moments… that is what you are.

Don’t forget it.

But just incase, I’m here to tell you…


It’s All Just a Metaphor


“Let People be People”